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Network Proxy

By default, Chproxy extracts the HTTP requests remote address. Chproxy can be configured to run behind another network proxy as well, by including the following configuration:

enable: true

When Chproxy is run with proxy mode enabled, Chproxy will try to parse the following headers to extract the remote address:

  • X-Forwarded-For
  • X-Real-IP
  • Forwarded

If multiple remote address are found Chproxy assumes the first IP address is the actual remote address. For example in the case where X-Forwarded-For:,, Chproxy assumes is the correct address.

If you have a custom header that contains the real remote address, it is possible to configure Chproxy to parse that header instead of the common proxy headers:

enable: true
header: X-MyCustomHeader

Chproxy assumes the header contains the remote address and doesn’t apply any parsing logic to extract the remote address from the header.